WooCommerce Maintenance

We offer a comprehensive package of services related to the administration and updating of WooCommerces stores.

  • Staging copy for secure update
  • WordPress and plugin updates
  • WordPress backups
  • Security
  • E-mail support

from just €150 a month

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Why do you need a WooCommerce Maintenance service?

A WooCommerce maintenance plan is essential for several reasons:
WooCommerce Maintenance plans


Regular updates and security patches are crucial to protect your online store from vulnerabilities and cyber threats. A maintenance plan ensures your WooCommerce platform is up to date with the latest security measures.


Ongoing maintenance optimizes your site's performance. It includes monitoring for slow loading times, fixing broken links, and addressing any issues that might impact user experience and conversion rates.

Bug Fixing

Over time, bugs and errors can crop up on your website. A maintenance plan includes troubleshooting and fixing these issues promptly to prevent disruptions in your online business operations.


WooCommerce relies on various plugins and themes. Regular updates to these components can sometimes lead to compatibility issues. A maintenance plan helps ensure that all elements of your e-commerce site work seamlessly together.

Data Backups

Regular backups of your website's data are essential to safeguard against data loss due to unforeseen circumstances. A maintenance plan includes automated backups to protect your critical information.

SEO Optimization

Search engine algorithms change frequently. Maintenance plans often include SEO audits and updates to keep your site optimized for search engines, improving its visibility and rankings.

Feature Enhancements

WooCommerce frequently releases new features and functionalities. A maintenance plan keeps your site up to date with these enhancements, allowing you to offer your customers the latest conveniences.

Customer Trust

well-maintained online store appears more professional and trustworthy to customers. It can instill confidence in your brand and encourage repeat business.

Woocommerce maintenance

Check out our basic packages.

  • Starter
    €150 / month Contact Us
    What’s included
    • Staging copy for secure update
    • Monthly WordPress Core Update
    • Monthly WordPress Plugin Updates
    • Monthly Backup
    • Uptime & Performance Monitoring
    • Health Checks & Security Monitoring
    • Monitoring PHP Errors from Plugins and Themes
    • Monthly Raport
    • E-mail support
  • Standard
    €220 / month Contact Us
    What’s included
    • Staging copy for secure update
    • Twice a month WordPress Core Update
    • Twice a month WordPress Plugin Updates
    • Twice a month Backup
    • Uptime & Performance Monitoring
    • Health Checks & Security Monitoring
    • Monitoring PHP Errors from Plugins and Themes
    • Monthly Raport
    • E-mail support
    • One hour of WordPress development
  • Premium
    €280 / month Contact Us
    What’s included
    • Staging copy for secure update
    • Weekly WordPress Core Update
    • Weekly WordPress Plugin Updates
    • Weekly Backup
    • Uptime & Performance Monitoring
    • Health Checks & Security Monitoring
    • Monitoring PHP Errors from Plugins and Themes
    • Monthly Raport
    • E-mail support
    • Three hours of wordpress development

Are you looking for a customized plan?

Whether you want to tailor one of the existing plans to better suit your needs or have multiple websites to manage,
don't hesitate to reach out to us. We'll be happy to create a special offer just for you.
Let's talk

WooComerce repair, maintenance & support

01 .

Should you handle your own WooCommerce store maintenance or enlist the expertise of a professional support agency

Maintaining your WooCommerce store can be a daunting task, particularly if you lack technical knowledge or the time to dedicate to it. In such cases, entrusting maintenance and support to experienced developers is the wise choice. Developers possess the technical skills required to manage these tasks effectively, ensuring that your initial investment in building your online shop remains valuable.

Consistent professional maintenance and support are not only cost-effective but also essential for the smooth operation of your WooCommerce site. It's worth noting that these services typically come at a lower cost than redeveloping a crashed site that cannot be restored.

Additionally, when you hand over your site to WooCommerce developers for maintenance, they often conduct updates and support on a staging site, ensuring uninterrupted site functionality. Any errors that may occur during maintenance can be resolved before moving changes to the live site, minimizing downtime. Plus, our software engineers maintain backups to restore all aspects of your store when needed, providing added peace of mind.

02 .

Do I really need maintenance for my WooCommerce online shop if I'm not making any changes?

Yes, you still need WooCommerce maintenance services, even if you're not updating your shop.

Technology is always evolving, and your WooCommerce shop needs to keep up. Regular maintenance makes sure that your shop:

  • Works well with the latest web browsers.
  • Looks good and functions properly on all devices (like phones and tablets).
  • Stays secure from online threats.
  • Gets rid of any issues or problems.

So, even if you're not making big changes, your site isn't staying the same. It's important to get maintenance services to keep everything running smoothly.

Featured clients partners

We provide our partners with full outsourcing of design and programming services, offering a flexible model of cooperation.
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Their communication was exceptional despite the time difference.

Adam Sugihto Founder at intention.al (Australia)

They gave us a professional website that's easy to use.."

Sarah Gardiner Marketing Manager, Zolasuite.com (USA)

Their speed and communication were impressive.

Wei Tan Co-founder, theorchardagency.co.au (Australia)

IMADO team were transparent about the whole process and pleasant to deal with.

Phil Heim Marketing Strategist (Canada)

We were impressed by their attention to detail, responsiveness, and very helpful nature.

Dan Charles Director, Codarity (United Kingdom)

They were easy to work with, understood our requirements, and challenged us when needed.

Espen Terland CDO, Rush Group (Norway)

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